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Duabanga Grandiflora King

Duabanga Grandiflora King

Duabanga grandiflora belongs to Sonneratiaceae. As a kind of large arbor, its height may reach 40m and its breast diameter may reach 1.8m. The trunk is thick and upright, the tree crown is in the shape of an umbrella and branches drop in the shape of quadrangle with lateral branches grown in pairs. Simple leaf is large and grown in pairs with the shape of long oval, and the leafstalk is short. With acrogenous panicle, the flowers are white. The capsules are in the shape of flat ball with slight edge and tiny seeds. With the breast diameter of 6m, the King of Duabanga Grandiflora of Moli is the largest Duabanga grandiflora in the area, hence known as the King of Duabanga Grandiflora.